Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Even After 60 Years....

Today, we are celebrating 60th anniversary of India's independence. For us, 15th August is a day full of joy. Today, we remember all those great people, who sacrificed their lives for India’s freedom.

On 15th August 1947, we got freedom from British rule. We got to see this day after long struggle that lasted centuries. On this day, India got a new life and went ahead to become the largest democracy in the world. During these 60 years of independence, India faced lot of challenges and problems like natural calamities, economic crisis, epidemics, illiteracy, unemployment, terrorist activities etc. Even though, India's freedom struggle had ended, it had to struggle to overcome these issues. And today, after 60 years, India has made good progress in field of science and technology.

But, we still have issues that we need to consider. Let’s look at some of the issues:

  • Politics: Quality of politics in India is not improving. Most of the political leaders lack political wisdom. It could be said that most of the time political parties play war amongst themselves. Most the time they are so busy inventing new number games that they don't have time to look after issues faced by the country, the states and the people. It feels as if in India, parliamentary system is degrading.
  • Poverty: Even now, people are below the poverty line and they still face problem like malnutrition and severe epidemics. Adding to it illiteracy which results in rising unemployment.
  • Unemployment: This is one of the biggest problems faced by people in India. Some people end up to be unemployed, even after spending lot of money in gaining required qualifications.
  • Illiteracy: Even now, India is facing the problem of illiteracy. There are lots of people having no access to education. Another issue India is facing is regarding the number of students dropping out of schools. However, central government has now taken effective steps towards reducing illiteracy and number of dropouts.
  • Health: Though India has improved a lot to become healthy place to stay, it still needs lot of efforts towards waste management and waste treatment. Indian government has taken steps against diseases like Polio and runs mass campaign to educate people to maintain healthy environment.
  • Terrorism: India is facing and fighting against terrorism since its independence. Many people are killed every year. Government has to spend lot of money to counter such activities.

These are some of the issues that India is facing even after 60 years of independence. However, India has improved a lot in many fields including space science and information technology which should not be overlooked. Even after 60 years, the struggle continues…… the struggle for freedom from poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, terrorism etc.


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